Why Montessori
What makes Montessori so unique?
A film about Montessori versus conventional school by Trevor Eissler
In a nutshell, Montessori according to Montessorians...
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Finally, some very interesting reads we've chosen for you.
Montessori Students Tested Better
Dr Angeline Lillard’s research study was published in the prestigious journal Science. Read her study to discover all the different areas Montessori students performed significantly better in - from standardized tests of reading and math, to creativity and positive behavior. Read her best-selling book, Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius, to understand how the Montessori method is supported by modern scientific research.
Montessori For The World's Creative Elite
So many of the world’s creative elite had a Montessori education - prompting award-winning author and Wall Street Journal writer Peter Sims to call them the “Montessori Mafia”. Creativity requires an environment that encourages exploration, and that supports gaining the confidence to make mistakes. Discover why a Montessori education is so conducive to developing creativity..
Montessori Executive Function
Dr. Adele Diamond is a pioneer in the field of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. She was also recently listed as one of the world’s 15 most influential neuroscientists. Read her article to discover why she considers Montessori programs particularly effective at improving Executive Function, and why developing Executive Function is so important for your child.